Giving Back: GuernseyTingle Anniversary Spotlights Community Service, Recognition and Achievement

GuernseyTingle celebrated “GuernseyTingle Day” on November 22, 2024, marking the culmination of its 40th anniversary and the decades of architectural excellence, community building and more that have transpired since.
The team honored the occasion with the launch of GuernseyTingle Gives Back – a new program that redoubles GuernseyTingle’s longstanding commitment to community service and volunteering. The ongoing initiative kicked off with several activities that focused on Heritage Humane Society, an animal shelter and valued client that does so much for the Greater Williamsburg area. GuernseyTingle team members organized a donation drive that gathered much-needed materials for the shelter and helped with Heritage’s 2024 Holiday Bazaar to kick off a volunteer blitz that will extend into 2025.
The team has big plans for GuernseyTingle Gives Back in 2025 the intent to organize several formal company volunteer sessions throughout the year. The initiative is just the latest way GuernseyTingle celebrates the five pillars of its success – the colleagues, clients, contractors, consultants, and community who have been such an integral part of the firm’s values, vision, and growth.
Firm Recognized with Founders Award from James City County
On the eve of GuernseyTingle Day, the firm received special recognition from the James City County Board of Supervisors and Economic Development Authority. Leaders from both bodies honored the firm with a Founder’s Award for 40 years of outstanding contributions to the community. The entire GuernseyTingle leadership team was on hand at a special event to receive the award.

Firm Achieves SWaM Certification as Woman-Owned Business
GuernseyTingle Day also came with the announcement that the firm earned SWaM (Small, Women-owned, and Minority-owned Business) certification as a Woman-owned Business by Virginia’s Department of Small Business and Supplier Diversity. The firm had previously held the Small Business designation and is now recognized as both a Small and Woman-owned Business throughout the Commonwealth. This certification reinforces GuernseyTingle’s commitment to creating a diverse and empowering workforce, further strengthening its presence and impact across the region.
What a year it’s been for our firm. Cheers to our amazing team, clients, and partners and to the next 40 years of GuernseyTingle!