Work Anniversary Wishes

We had many work anniversaries in the month of January. Join us in sending congratulations and warm wishes to these amazing people!

Happy 20 years with GuernseyTingle to Brad! It takes a person with strong character, discipline, passion, focus, determination, and a big heart to stay dedicated and loyal to their work and their team for 20 years. As Vice President, Brad exemplifies the firms’ principles of honor and integrity through his relationships with staff, clients, consultants, and the community. He is a man we all respect and we are happy to have him with us! Looking forward to many more years!

Congratulations on yet another year for setting an example for everyone on what it means to work hard and demonstrate never-ending team spirit. Happy 7th Work Anniversary to Michael! As Vice President and a great team player, he is a big asset to our company. Cheers to many more years!

Happy 10 years to Dawn! We appreciate the dedication and diligence Dawn has given to GuernseyTingle as a Financial Manager over the last 10 years. Her pleasant personality and commitment to the firm and each individual staff member are commendable, and we are so very fortunate to have her with us. We are looking forward to many more years

Scott has been with GuersneyTingle for 21 years! Scott has set an exemplary standard for all of us with his work ethic and his dedication. As a Vice President, Scott leads the charge on many projects, supports our growing team, and maintains his role as a positive mentor to many younger staff members. We are eternally grateful for the loyalty and passion you have shown. Happy Work Anniversary!

Kevin, happy 5th anniversary with GuernseyTingle! We are always grateful for the wealth of knowledge you share with us and your consistent support, mentorship, and tough love you give us through your quality control reviews. You have been such a significant part of our team and we couldn’t imagine our workplace without you.

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